The Scunthorpe & District Pipe Band started almost thirty years ago, back in 1991. It was formed by Pipe Major Dr Derek Soulby , Tom McCann Sr, William Thompson and Hugh MacKay.
Primarily the band was a public gala and engagement pipe band attracting crowds at various locations in the North Lincolnshire area. The band grew in numbers and had members ranging from eight years old, to their late seventies - as it has today! The band played in a mixture of Holyrood and Royal Stewart tartans at the time, due to funds (or lack thereof).
The drummers were taught by Tom McCann’s son Tom, marching and discipline was taught by Les Blackley and pipe tuition given by Hugh MacKay and William (Billy) Thompson.
In 1994 William Thompson became Pipe Major after a restructure and Hugh and Derek stayed on as tutors until their retirement. The band continued to provide entertainment in the area, and eventually the younger generation began to take over various senior roles within the band.
In 2006, the band made the step to competing under the then Pipe Major, Chris Glass, who is now the bands leading drummer. Finishing 5th in its first competition at Chatsworth Country Fair was a huge achievement for the band after spending over a year persuading Hugh MacKay’s son Stewart to help them achieve their goal of competing successfully.
It was 2011 when Emma Bishop took over the role of Pipe Major, while Chris Glass took on the drum corps. The pipe band has competed on at least one occasion each year since 2006.
In 2017 the band began to have tutoring from their current Pipe Major, a seasoned competitor, who has since led the band to their first All England Champions title for 2018 in her first full season in charge.
In 2019, our last remaining founder, Hugh McKay sadly passed away.
The band currently plays in the traditional Royal Stewart Tartan and practices at the Polish Social Centre in Scunthorpe. They compete in Grade 4B and continue to provide entertainment at galas and festivities all over the region. New members are always welcome to come along and find out more.